Abous Us

Do Not Boast About Tomorrow, For You Do Not 
Know What A Day May Bring Forth...Proverbs 27:1


Richard has always enjoyed history and traveling to some of the well known historical sites around the world.
He stood upon the mesa of Massada, explored primitive villages in Western Africa and climbed the Great
Wall.Hunter Ink, dba from Cover to Cover, is simply an outlet for his love of telling a good story. His tales
can be historically accurate or totally fictional. Some are serious and others comical fantasy. But each will
teach a lesson; a lesson with a spiritual twist; a lesson that will leave you feeling Blessed.
Richards first novel, "Where Eagles Fly" is available now, internationally and tells the story of a forgotten
hero. Richards second novel, a children's bedtime story called "The Story Teller" can be found right here,
on this website, under the "Read 4 Free" tab. This pre-edited beta version will have your little ones begging
for more. Your opinions are important so please feel free to submit any comments you might have using the
"Contact Us" tab. RIchards third novel, "Will Work 4 Food" was released in early 2010. This touching
series of mini-biographies will touch your heart and change your life. "Crossroads...the Louis Lugo Story"
(Richards 4th book) was released in September 2011. This is the true story of a gangster who evolved into
a preacher. He almost didn't make it. If you liked The Cross and the Switchblade, you'll love reading about
Louis Lugo, the nephew of Nicky Cruz (author of the best seller Run Baby Run).
Richards writing adventure all started with the life of his Father-in-law, John Acy Campbell III (Red) and the
injustice he suffered during the ugly days of WWII. Red wasn't only a pilot, he was a fighter pilot who earned
himself the status of Ace just before being shot down. The remaining 3 1/2 years of the war saw Red as a
guest of the Peoples of Japan, on the Island of Java. "Where Eagles Fly" is his story, in exact detail, as
remembered by Red. At 87 years old, Red Campbell never forgot a single horror. His scars are still there,
to be shared with you, page after page after amazing page. 

After a successful release of "Where Eagles Fly" and insuring that Red's story will never be forgotten, another 
injustice landed on Richards lap, a story that needed to be told. Sitting at a traffic light one day, a homeless 
person was standing there, holding a sign, asking for hand outs. As Richard looked around at the other drivers, 
waiting for the light to change, he was shocked at how many of them were doing all they could to avoid direct 
eye contact. They were trapped at a red light, with someone who was in desperate need, making them feel 
extremely uncomfortable. All of these drivers were building little brick walls around their little worlds, not 
wanting to let the sadness of someone else’s reality penetrate into their space.

The Bible is very clear about helping those who are less fortunate. Jesus taught that if someone begs for your 
shirt, give them your jacket as well. The Bible does not teach you to ignore and flee ugly situations, unless the 
situation is causing you to sin. A very well known pastor once gave a $5.00 bill to a beggar. Someone from his 
congregation saw this and asked "Why are you giving that person money? They are just going to buy booze or 
drugs with it!" The pastor replied, "Who am I to judge what this person needs? Maybe they need a drink or a 
drug. It is God that directs me to give and it is God who directs how that person will use the money."  Those 
powerful words have helped form the foundation of what RSHunter now believes in.


"Will Work 4 Food" will hopefully help those, who are afraid, or embarrassed to stop building up walls and to 
start tearing them down. It is the Authors wish that the next time you see someone who needs a little help, 
give them a few dollars, without judgment; or if you can't afford to offer any financial aide, be bold, roll down 
your window, look them in the eyes and tell them that you will include them in your prayers. Most will look upon 
that gesture as a gift, as great as cash. After all, these pour unfortunate people simply want to be recognized 
as members of society, not to be deemed as invisible.

              For more information on how you can help, contact your local       
                    Gospel Rescue Mission or Homeless Shelter.
        Any contribution (food, clothing, volunteering time or financial gift) will greatly help.
"Crossroads...the Louis Lugo Story" will make you feel a little nervous. Louis Lugo  was a gangster raised on 
the streets of Brooklyn's projects. Louie was a man with anger issues who crossed the line into the dark side 
time after time. Somehow, by the grace of God, he stumbled and staggered back towards the light. His poor 
decisions would allow him to slide right back to a place you would never want to be, in the world of gangs, 
guns, drugs and what they represent--death and destruction. Will you be afraid? You should be.

          Please share my website, with all of your friends . . . thanks

Company history...
Hunter Ink was created as a means of getting Richards works as a Freelance Biographer (and poet) more exposure to the entire world via the internet. 
Richard believes that there is a book for everyone out there, on a shelf somewhere. Each and every one of us should be able to enjoy a great story now and then, from Cover to Cover.
Check out the cool links on the "Site Map" pages. You can find details about new releases and place your order, all at the same time. 

You can even hyper link to one of Richards favorite web sites. 

The "Read4Free" page was created just for you, free of charge. Enjoy it - share it.

Please feel free to send Richard a comment or suggestion by using the "Post a Comment" option below.   

Customer testimonials . . .

Crossroads was simply AMAZING........Craig B.

I've watched all of the gangster movies and after reading Crossroads, I really feel that I got to know one, up close and personal. To know that Louis is the nephew of Nicky Cruz (from Run Baby Run and The Cross and the Switchblade fame) was extremely cool. A very satisfying spiritual book..............Thomas R.

My favorite part of Crossroads, besides his finding his way to salvation, was the rat story. I love the images R.S. Hunter was able to paint within my own imagination. I couldn't put the book down. A real easy read..............Julie D.

"Crossroads" proves that their is a God. How else could a low life like Louis ever survive so many trials to end up as a preacher. Kind of reminds me of the book of Job..........Sam G.

After reading R.S. Hunters other books, I was excited to hear that he released a new book (Crosstroads). It was a real page turner. I wan't disappointed. He's a great story teller..Brian D.
"Will Work 4 Food" is a masterpiece of testimony. No longer do I ignore those I see begging for handouts. I now stop and ask them their names...............................Robert S.
I used to feel intimidated by homeless people but now I walk right up to them. "Will Work 4 Food" opened my eyes to the truth about the ugliness of Tucson streets and how I can make a difference................................Paula R.
I actually got to know homelessness from the inside. I was one of them. Thanks to RIchards interviewing skills, the hidden truth is now known. I hated being invisible. "Will Work 4 Food" has opened so many doors..........Bob T.
"Where Eagles Fly" tells the story in such a way, I feel like I was actually there...Justin M.
Richards book, "Where Eagles Fly" has captivated me. I couldn't put it down.....Jay H.
I can't wait for Richards next book.......Jodi G.
Powerful story. The U.S. Government should give Red Campbell a medal for his sacrifice. It is hard to believe that this hero is forgotten. Let's join together and thank him........Paul S.
Where Eagles Fly made me laugh and cry at the same time. This was an amazing journey through an entire lifetime...............Susan M.

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