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                                                   ... Content Created by GOD's Sheep ...                                
RSHunter writes;
This world of ours is a very dangerous place, for sheep that is. I, like all
other brothers and sisters in the flock, have wondered off from time to time. But this time I venture into the woods, where my Shepherd can not see me.
It isn't until I am dancing with the wolves that I realize the error of my ways. The fear of being lost forever starts to over power me. I can feel the blood slowly draining from my head. This leaves me with few, limited options...I can continue the dance and succumb to the here and now; the joys of the moment, or I can muster up all that I have in strength and fight my way back to the forest edge, where my Shepherd is searching, looking desperately for his lost sheep. I decide to fight for my freedom.
When I am finally reunited with the others in the flock, we sing and dance
and praise GOD; for it is the joy that is my flock, that strengthens me. But
that wolf has scarred me, permanently and relentlessly sitting there in the shadows of my mind, waiting for me to venture back into the woods, where
we can once again resume our dance.
My struggle is this...I know I want to be with the other sheep and maybe
even be a lamb that others can look upon as a beacon. But how is this possible when I have to fight with that wolf, each and every day, every single hour
and yes, moment by moment.
I can still hear that wolf calling my name; a sweet seductive song. Alas, for
this moment at least, I don't look over my shoulder. Instead I look up and
praise GOD, for He is my strength, my salvation, the light that illuminates
the path that is my journey through life.
For today, that is how I see myself. That is my view!

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