Read 4 Free - Synopsis

Do Not Boast About Tomorrow, For You Do Not               Know What A Day May Bring Forth...
                                 Proverbs 27:1




The Making of
When I first heard about Red’s experience as a fighter pilot with the R.A.F. 
and being captured by the Japanese, I was intrigued. After all, I was former 
Royal Canadian Air Force myself and was awed by the fact that this guy had 
survived his ordeal. My wife, Kerry, was actually surprised that her dad was 
willing to talk to me about his South Pacific adventure. 

Over the years,when his kids would ask their father questions about the war, 
he would shut down, locking up the nightmares, deep inside. Somehow, he 
saw in me a person who would listen and understand. I listened; I understood; 
that was a blessing. This nonfictional novel was born from his stories; his 
memories; the thrills and horrors that made him the man he is today. For those 
who haven't read the book yet, this short story,  I titled "The Making of "WHERE 
EAGLES FLY ... Remember Me" might just satisfy your curiosity...or it might 
develope a hunger to read the entire book for yourself and share in the 
adventure that was Red Campbells life.

                 {NEW ADDITION}   
  Check out Where Eagles Fly Sampler

 The Making of Will Work 4 Food
                      & Will Work 4 Food sampler
This book was released during the Summer of 2010.  Enjoy reading The 
Making of WIll Work 4 Food, a short story, telling what it was like sitting 
on the ground interviewing the homeless of Tucson, how the story came to 
be and what pains the author went through to get his thoughts, and the 
words of the homeless down on paper for you to read. There is also a 
Sampler added to this site, to give you a taste of what it is like to stare 
inside the mind of a lost soul. Meet Glen...laugh (and cry) with him...
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -
The making of Crossroads
                            &   Crossroads sampler
          This was an interesting project; one that I nearly passed on. But there 
was something intriguing about telling this man’s story. He was an abused kid, 
he became a bully. He was a pusher and a pimp, a loan shark and a thief. This 
con man was all of these things. He was a gangster by every sense of the word. 

          The making of Crossroads tells the story of my journey from the day I first 
heard of Louis Lugo up to the day that the book was finally complete; and 
everything in between including dealing with the monsters from my own past. 
Why was God bringing me along this path?

          Once your curiosity is sparked, read the Crossroads sampler. This is the 
entire first chapter, unedited for you to enjoy. You will experience the ultimate 
flashback, one that takes a preacher backwards, into the realms of the darkest 
parts of his past; a place most would rather forget. Are you afraid? You should be!


 The Story Teller is an exciting and unusual look at the imagination of
young minds and how they mesh with the creativity of their grandfather. Together, they 
invent characters, situations and circumstances. This innovative bedtime story book is scary 
and funny and will keep you coming back for more. You will meet an unusual cast of 
characters such as Bobby, Benny Bear, Samantha Skunk, Ssssammy Ssssnake and of course 
Little Willie Worm. Their strange adventures will keep you coming back, wanting more. The 
initial release of this bedtime story book was done slowly, one chapter per month. The final 
installment was uploaded on Saturday September 19th, 2009.   Please enjoy this pre-edited 
beta version bedtime story and feel free to share it with all of the kids in your family; all kids 
young and old...
The Problem Solver - Meet Robert, an everyday sort of guy,
just like you and me. He had everything going for him; great job, beautiful home
and best of all, a loving wife. Everything in his life was going along just as 
planned, that is until he became a victim; a target; a statistic. Robert fell prey 
to one of the most heinous crimes out there; Identity Theft. The investigation 
was taking forever; the police weren’t being very helpful. There was only one 
thing Robert could do to put his life back in order . . . take the law into his own 
hands. This is Roberts account of exactly what happened, that dreadful day and 
how he handled it.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Poetics

This page will allow you to explore the inner most 
sanction of an authors mind. Come along and enjoy 
a journey into the world of the abstract; the surreal; 
the ugliness and beauty of a reality, as seen by 
RSHunter as well as other authors and poets. 
   “Addition pieces will be randomly added to this site so please
return  to see if anything new has been uploaded.”  Please Enjoy... 
                            Poetic contributions to this site are welcome - please send         
                      your poem to RSHunter via the "Post a Comment" window for                                 
               consideration. Poem submission does not guarantee publication on this site.  
                     All uploaded works will include the original authors name for credit

                                    Poems Published Within POETICS = 24

                        Act 1 - Scene 1

A place for all script writers, young and old, to share their works with 
the world. 

These scripts are created for use during Church services, with Biblical 
messages hidden within the dialog.

Feel free to use these works for your own Church and if you have some 
scripts you would like to add to this site, read on; 

How do you get your works published on this sight?

Just use the "Contact Us' tab and send in your script - If it is approved, 
your works will be listed on this site.

Don't forget to include your e-mail address, full name and age.

Act 1 - Scene 1 submissions to date;   8


                                                 "Write View"

                 The definition of a Shepherd, according to "" is;
                                  A person who herds or takes care of sheep...

In our church, New Life Bible Fellowship in Tucson Arizona, we have 
 recently added Shepherds to our congregation...under the leadership of 
the  Elders. Their task is to help God's flock focus on the correct path, the 
path that leads to HIS glory.

"Write View" is a tool designed to assist our Shepherd in herding us in the  
right direction; keeping us together as a family; and watching out for strays, 
so they may avoid wandering off into dangerous territory, where the wolf lays 
in wait...

"Write View" is your tool, so that you may openly journal about how you see yourself. 
Do you see the path ahead of you? Is it a Spiritual Path? Is GOD lighting your way?

We encourage you to share your thoughts with the rest of the flock. Open your soul
so we may learn from your experiences, cry along with you when you feel pain and
most of all, grow as one body, for the Glory of GOD...

How do you get your thoughts on this site? Easy! Simply use the "Contact Us" tab
and send in your thoughts, ideas, praise or whatever is spiritually driving you. Once
it is received, it will be reviewed and if the material is appropriate, it will be added to
the"Write View" page of this website. Don't forget to include your e-mail address
so we may contact you, if needed...

"The Shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat, for which
the sheep thanks the shepherd as his liberator, while the wolf denounces
him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty." 
<Abraham Lincoln quote>

"Write View" Submissions to date:  1


 "Things That Make You Go...Hmmmm"


When was the last time you had an "Aha" 
Ever have a thought that others considered 
Do you enjoy evaluating...contemplating...
If so, then "Things That Make You Go . . . Hmmmm" 
is the site for you, where you can let your 
imagination soar freely.
Have an original quotation or thought? Would 
you like to share it? If so, send it to us via the 
"Contact Us" page and if deemed appropriate, you 
too could be listed among the...
"Deep Thinkers of Today"
                             Total submissions to date;  9


R.S. Hunter's Journal I never saw it coming.  One day Pastor 
Greg was speaking to the church body about wanting to make a trip to West 
Africa and as I listened I had visions of making the trip. Africa was on my to-do 
list, but I was realistic in knowing that it will probably never happen. I sent him 
an e-mail asking for additional information, just to satisfy my curious nature. 
He replied with all of the details and so I had lots to ponder. I still didn't think 
it was anything more than a dream. If Kerry can't go with me I wasn't interested 
in going at all. Who would take care of her folks while we were away? It didn't 
look like it was going to happen; at least not this time.

Greg continued to send me information and Kerry was pushing me to go 
without her. I was torn as to what I should do. Kerry then had a dream about 
God speaking to her, telling her I needed to go and she needed to stay. That 
made me a little nervous. One Sunday, almost 4 weeks after the spark was lite,
 I sat in the back of the church still not knowing what to do. I decided to pray 
at that moment and put God to the test (something I will never have to do 
again). I asked God to show me a sign. If He wanted me to go to Senegal, I 
needed to know for sure. Same goes for if He wanted me to stay at home. Just 
as I finished my prayer, Greg introduced Alice who spoke about travelling on a 
missions trip to Senegal. She had been there for over 30 years and was giving a 
highlight speach on what a trip there would look like. She spoke of riding 
camels, swimming in the Atlantic, going on a safari, visiting villages and eating
wonderful local foods. I looked up and thanked God for the obvious sign. As 
Greg walked by after the sermon I leaned in towards him saying, "I'm in."  Cathy 
did the same. With that, the Missions Team was created. In only 3 weeks, we 
were wheels off the ground, heading towards our African adventure. 

Experiencing Senegal and its culture has changed me forever. I now see things 
as I never did before. The darkness of Islam did not intimidate me or the team 
as we ventured into the world of Muslim influence. Praise God.

To learn more about our day to day activities, be sure to read RS Hunter's 
Journal located on the Read 4 Free page. Also check out the tons of pic's 
uploaded on my Facebook home page. If you have any questions about this trip, 
please feel free to contact me through my "Post a Comment"window below.


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