Read 4 Free - Things That Make You Go Hmmmm

"Things That Make You Go...Hmmmm"
                Just Do It ... God (speaking to RSHunter)
 How can you write right, if you don't write at all ... rshunter
If Satan had a neon sign, it would say, "Free Cable TV!" ... rshunter
Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish ... michelangelo
Happy thoughts are wonderful but somber thoughts are necessary ... rshunter
She is my strength / She is my air / She is my wife / She is ... rshunter
Why do we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway ... unknown
Feed my sheep ... Jesus
If your desire is to grow, as a writer, or in whatever your passion is, find someone to share your journey with. Walk along the path of your passion, hand in hand and together, water your talent, your passion, your dream and watch the fruit of your hunger evolve into a fulfillment ... RSHunter

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