Read 4 Free - Act 1 Scene 1



                                                                   Written by  GOD  through  Richard S. Hunter

Stage / Set Design;
Low to no lights with one Spot aimed at a single bench located at Stage-Center


1 Bench (Park style or similar)
Park Light - free standing (if available)

Charlie – Homeless male (headset mic)
Couple – Male & Female (no mic)
God     – Powerful Voice with Echo (off stage with mic)


Charlie - Impoverished (torn pants, ragged un-tucked shirt, falling-apart shoes, messed up hair, 
dirty face) Overall look is that of a homeless person, down on his luck . . .

Couple – Sunday Going-To-Church clothes with winter coats, hats, scarf’s and cloves


Start - Spot light slowly fades up while “River” by Enya plays 

Once lights are up, song fades out.

Scene - Background Sound – Birds chirping/distant traffic

Close – Spot light slowly fades out while “River” by Enya plays . .


Homeless person named Charlie is sleeping upon a park bench, slowly waking up 
to yet another day of poverty, hunger and despair. 

Sits up and scratches head and various other areas to sooth the bites, and rashes
that infest his body.

Charlie – “Great!” That’s just “Great!” (spoken in a loud, disappointed tone)

         “You call yourself “God” . . . (as he looks up towards the heavens with out
         stretched fists)

“What did I ever Do to Deserve this miserable existence?” (as he sits down)

“I’m so hungry and my toes are still numb from last nights frost” (rubbing feet)

“All I need is a Break.  One Stupid Break, is that too much to ask for?” 
 (as he stands, pacing back and forth seemingly talking to himself)

“If someone would just offer me a job. I’m a hard worker! I’m honest and 
dependable! I don’t mind sweating. Any job would be way too cool. I would 
be able to buy new clothes,  maybe get a small apartment somewhere with 
neighbors I can visit or maybe they would come over and visit me!  I might 
even meet a girl and get married and have kids and”. . .(still pacing)

“Nah, It’s useless . . .I’m just stuck in this vicious circle." (as he sobs, looking 
down at his clothes

“Who’s going to hire someone who looks like me?” 

“There is no way out”

“Maybe this is my destiny, my future, my doom!” (slouching into a defeated 

God -  “I love you” (in a whispering voice)

Charlie – “Who said that?” (spining around looking in all directions)

God -   “Why have you given up on me?” (same whispering voice)

Charlie – “Who’s there ?  What do you want? Where are you hiding” (with a 
scared, nervous look on his face)

God -   “Why do you doubt me?” (spoken in a soft, sad voice)

Charlie -  “Doubt you – Who is this? What do you want from me? Where are 
you?” (still searching around looking for someone hidden from sight)

God -    “If You Believe In Me -  You will call and I will Answer – You will cry 
for help and I will
say “Here I Am”  (in loud commanding voice – lights flashing – thunder roaring)   
(Isaiah 58.9
(at same time, this biblical chapter is projected on the over-head)

Charlie -  “Is that you God? – I believe - please forgive me Lord I believe”  
(dropping to his knees,
weeping with hands over his fearful face) 

God -  “Trust In Me and You Will Not Be Afraid” (lights flashing – thunder 
roaring) (Psalm 56:11) (at
the same time, this biblical chapter is  projected  on the over-head)

Charlie – “Keep me safe, Oh God, for in You I take refuge” (repeated over and 
over (3 times) while on
his knees, hands clasped together, rocking back and forth) (Psalm 16:1)  (at same time, this 
biblical chapter is projected on the over-head)

 The sound of thunder fades and gives way to the sound of birds chirping

Charlie – “God – you still there?”  (as he stands and looks around – searching)

          “Man oh Man – that was intense.  I guess God is always with me” (as he sits 
back down on bench –           
             looking and feeling more confident and secure

“WOW!!! He loves me, no matter what” (Spoken with an air of excitement in his 

“I promise God, to be a better person and to pray everyday and help those 
less fortunate then me... And I promise to wake up every day and be thankful 
for the Birds singing, the rain, the trees and all of the other amazing gifts that 
you have given us” (sitting on bench in prayer, hands clasped, eyes closed)

Couple – Walking by, arm in arm. They walk pass Charlie. As they pass him, they 
look at him sitting there praying. As they pass him, the woman leans up and 
whispers something in her husband’s ear. He nods in agreement. They pause. He 
turns around and approaches Charlie. Without saying a word, the husband pulls out 
his wallet and places a $20.00 bill into Charlie’s hand. Charlie looks into his hand  
and sees the money and stand up to thank this stranger, but before any words can 
be spoken, the husband reaches out and gives Charlie a hug, then removes his 
warm winter hat and places it on Charlie’s head, and removes his scarf and wraps 
Charlie’s neck with it. Then he turns around and walks towards his wife, where  
they exit, arm in arm.

Charlie – “In God I trust: I will not be afraid” (Psalm 56:11) (spoken as he looks 
at his scarf, touches hit new hat and stares at the $20.00 bill) (at same time, this biblical 
chapter is projected on the over-head)

Scene immediately closes with lights slowly fading while “River” by Enya starts 

 Fade to black . . .Music plays as Charlie leaves the stage (under darkness)
                                           E N D
                                                               April, 2007    

                                                                                          Written by  GOD  through  Richard S. Hunter

Directors Notes  
1)Since this is a monologue (as opposed to a soliloquy), the actor shouldn't be 
afraid to address the audience directly with eyes and voice.  They need to 
experience the actor directly as opposed to eavesdropping on the actor's 
private thoughts. Although the actor shouldn't stand in one place the whole 
time, avoid excessive movement.  Slow, thoughtful pacing will help. 
2) Gender isn't crucial here.  You can easily convert this character to a male 
Teenager Speaking Directly To Audience
Set Design                                                                                                                                                  
 No props - (will need qty 1 headset)
Barbara - wearing a dress she made herself (can be any dress) 
Todd - wearing regular jeans and t shirt and a backpack
Amazing Grace (on Piano or audio version)
Barbara; depressed High School Senior with problems dealing with social 
circles at school                        
Todd;  a happy cheerful teenager who walks tall
Opening scene                                                                                                 
Barbara speaks to audience, telling her story.
Closing scene
On Barbara’s last line (Hey Todd, hold up. Can I ask you something). on the 
word “something”, as she runs down to meet Todd, the music Amazing Grace 
starts to play and continues playing as Barbara and Todd “slowly” exit the 
sanctuary, with his arms around her shoulders. Once the door is closed behind 
them, the music will slowly fade down.

You don’t know me” spoken with a tone of anger as she looks out at the 
 “Even my parents are clueless about what makes Barbara smile . . . or 
cry” as she wipes a tear from her eye, spoken with a tone of sadness.
What’s my favorite color?” she asks as she looks directly into the face of 
someone sitting in front row center. 
Just as I thought” she says while turning away and shaking her head back 
and forth. While walking to stage left
You, . . . Yes you” as she points to someone else in the audience . . . “What 
color are my eyes?” she inquires while covering her eyes with her hands.
Walking back to stage center and facing the audience, she yells with 
disappointment “And you are supposed to be my friends. My Family! If 
anyone knows me, surely it’s you” as she holds out both hands towards 
the audience.
And to make things worse, they put me in this school with thousands 
of other kids . . . other kids who don’t know me. Other kids who don’t 
even know that I exist!” she cries to the audience
They have their clicks. Their social circles. Their perfect little groups 
of perfect little kids. Gross!” she moans loudly.
I’m glad they stay away from me. It was actually pretty funny the first 
few times I was approached” she says with a smile.
I actually growled. Yupp, growled like an animal when Shelly, the prom 
queen, made a nasty remark about my dress” she says with sarcasm.
How dare she be so rude? I spent hours making this dress” she says 
with pride while running her hands down the seams
Shelly never came near me again. Neither did anyone else in her 
perfect little click of perfect little brats” she says while smirking.
I do like Todd though. He seems to have it together.  Everybody likes 
Todd!  she says with a tone of jealousy
“What makes him so different? Why does his face always shine?” she 
cries painfully to someone in audience
He’s not on the football team and he doesn’t belong to any one of 
those stupid clicks either. He just is who he is” she says while looking 
directly at someone else in audience
Why am I so miserable all the time? Why is Todd so joyful? What does 
he have that I don’t? ” she asks, each question to a separate person in the 
audience looking them right in the eyes.
Yeah yeah, I know, He’s got Jesus and hangs around with kids from 
his church. At least he isn’t hanging with those awful people at school” 
she replies with a sigh of disgust
Hmmmm, I wonder if there are other kids at his Church that feel the 
same way I do?” she ponders 
I wonder if God would know who I am or what makes me smile? Would 
God know the color of my eyes?” she wonders as she looks at various 
people in the audience
God, do you know me?” looking up, she yells loudly while holding her hands 
up high, towards the sky
Please please God, please make me be more like Todd” she pleads, in 
tears, while clasping her hands together
If only you would give me a sign” she begs while sobbing in despair
With a look of defeat, she signs “Oh well, who am I to think that God would 
hear my stupid prayer?”
As if he would actually give me a sign. Like a dove will land on my 
head or something” she jokes
(Looking off towards the audience, she seems to recognize someone walking 
down the street. It’s Todd. She gets excited. Is this her sign?)
 “Hey, hey Todd, hold up a sec, can I ask you something” she says with 
heartfelt Joy as she runs off stage to meet with Todd who is now standing 
stage center at the audience level. Barbara leans up and whispers in his ear 
for a moment.
(Todd is walking in front of stage, at audience level from stage right towards 
stage left. As Barbara yells out “Hey Todd, hold up . . . he pauses, turns 
towards her, waives and waits for Barbara.
He looks pleased to see her.  When Barbara approaches and speaks with him, 
he smiles, gives her a hug, and together they walk off towards the exit, with his 
arm around her.  Together they leave the sanctuary. ) (Music fades as they 
door closes behind them)

                                      E N D                                            
                                            March 2008                                     


                                                               Written by  GOD  through  Richard S. Hunter

Directors Notes:

Should be performed as a pantomime (sort of).  You will have two actors 
on stage, but they don't say any lines. Then you have a third person, who 
is off to the side reading the story, as written below. The actors will simply 
go through the motions, but all of the dialog will be spoken by the story 
teller. This skit would only require one headset.


Susan          (Sad Demeanor/A Loner)                
Nancy          (Spiritual/Encouraging)
Ladies x 3   (All Learning from Susan)
Story Teller (Speaks firmly & clearly, with pauses for dramatic effect)



All Regular Street Clothes



None – Simple overhead projection with Title graphic


Opening Scene: 
{Susan is standing, on stage center, alone, looking as if she just woke up.  In pantomime, she appears to 
be looking around, only to be saddened by the world outside. A world that she has never been apart of. 
She lowers her head and gently sobs}


Story Teller Reads . . .
Susan was just another face in the crowd. She was alone. She was sad. 
She was lonely.  It seemed like any other day, waking to the sounds of 
the birds chirping and the children laughing and playing outside her 
window. But that wasn’t her world. That was another reality outside of 
her protective bubble.  What did she have? No one to share her 
emotions with! No one to laugh with! No one to cry with! Yes, it seemed 
like any other day. She was just another face in the crowd.
{Susan walks over and stands by a park bench, still contemplating her loneliness}
Then one day in the park, her destiny was changed. It was as if she 
was finally touched by an angel. Were her prayers finally going to be 
{Nancy appears on stage and slowly approaches Susan. Susan sees her coming, out of the corner of her 
eye and is too shy to greet her. Susan starts getting nervous}
 A woman named Nancy walked up to Susan and started speaking 
warmly.  She had seen Nancy before, but dared not approach her. 
Nancy was from church. Nancy was a spiritual woman whose smile 
shined like the sun. This was going to be a day never to be forgotten. 
Nancy’s voice was inviting yet Susan desperately wanted to run.
{Nancy reaches out and gently touches Susan’s shoulders}
{Susan rejects the woman by turning away and waving her hand in a dismissing manner}
Nancy explained to Susan that she wanted to be her mentor.  Susan 
was afraid and pulled away, laughing nervously. She was refusing to 
open her heart to this gift of friendship. She waved her hand, as if to 
say, “Go away”. She wanted to be left alone. She was trying to protect 
 her solitude. She was keeping her loneliness within her bubble! She 
wanted to be just another face in the crowd.
{As if a light goes off in Susan’s head, she has an “Aha” moment. She struggles with her inner being 
and eventually wins the inner battle, reaching out and slowly taking Nancy’s hand and clutching it tightly
 next to her heart}
But then Susan remembered the emptiness that was waiting for her at 
home. She didn’t want this to be just another day, just like the rest. She 
was tired of being alone. She was tired of being afraid. She dug down 
deep within her soul and with every ounce of courage she could 
muster, Susan burst that bubble that encased her. She reached out 
and took Nancy’s hand and held it tightly, close to her heart.
{Nancy is touched by Susan’s embrace. Her eyes tear up as she takes Susan into her arms}
{Susan cries as Nancy wraps her loving arms around her}
Susan no longer laughed nervously. Instead, she cried. She cried tears 
of hope as the weight of her life started lifting off of her shoulders. Her 
knees almost buckled as she quickly replaced her discarded bubble 
with the warmth of Nancy’s tight embrace. The warmth of the Spirit. 
The warmth of GOD.
{Susan and Nancy separate. Susan is standing tall as she listens to her mentor}
Nancy explained to Susan, that she would no longer be alone. She 
would have a friend to laugh with. A friend to cry with. And most of all, 
she would have GOD radiating brightly within her heart.  Susan hugged 
Nancy, her mentor, as if she never wanted to let go. Susan started to 
shine, just like the women. Just like the sun.
{Nancy slowly leaves the stage while Susan stands with her face towards heaven, arms stretched out, 
thanking God for her salvation}
{Three ladies run onto stage and sit in front of Susan as she mentors to them. They are giggly and full of 
life and eagerly absorb what Susan is saying}
As time passed, Susan learned many things from her Mentor and 
eventually became a Mentor herself to other ladies who had no one 
to laugh with or no one to cry with!  The gift she received was now 
being given.
{The three ladies step towards the back of the stage while Susan steps forward, as if listening to the birds
 sing, and the children playing. Her smile is infectious. Nancy comes back on stage and joins the three 
ladies. They stand there, holding hands, watching Susan}Susan now laughed with the 
kids playing outside of her window. The birds’ morning song was 
sung as if for her ears only. Loneliness was no longer an option. 
Susan had many friends who loved her as their sister.
Everyday was a new beginning, no longer like any other day before. 
Each moment was now savored instead of feared. Susan was the 
beacon towards salvation. Susan stood out in the crowd . . .
{Nancy and the three ladies join Susan all holding hands with Susan in the middle and 
after a quick glance at each other, while smiling and giggling, they take a bow}
Cue sound on the last word crowd “Susan stood out in the crowd” . . . 
 {Beatles – She Loves You}  . . . Fade to black. . .
                                                                                                  E N D                                                             
                                                                                                   August 2008         

                                                                   Written by  GOD  through  Richard S. Hunter                                                          

Stage / Set Design;                                                                                                  
Two rocking chairs on front porch (stage center) with an end table between them 
and two glasses of lemonade
Two outdoor rocking chair, one small end table, two glasses of lemonade, a pen, 
and a notebook
Ethel (Grandma)                                                                                               
Bert (Grandpa)  
Regular summer time clothes, Grandpa wearing a straw hat and Grandma wearing 
an apron
Sound / Lighting;                                                                                              
Opening Lights fade up – no music
Sound / Scene Background Sound – Birds Chirping – Warm summer afternoon. 
Grandpa is rocking on the porch while writing within his notebook, pausing now 
and then to giggle to himself. 
CloseStage lighting slowly fades to black as sound effects volume down.

Opening Scene;               
Grandma -     “Bert, what on earth is going on?” (as she comes out onto the porch to join 
                    her husband)(drying 
                    her hands on her apron as she sits down and takes a sip of the 
                    lemonade)(enters stage left \
                   (Grandpa is sitting on the front porch enjoying a beautiful summer 
afternoon. While waiting for Grandma to join him, he is feverishly writing down 
notes within his notebook.  Every now and then he pauses and thinks while staring 
up into the sky. Then a new idea hits him and he continues  to make more notes. 

Giggling as he writes – he seems to be very proud of his composition).

Grandpa –     “Oh this is good . . . Really good” (spoken as he reviews his notes)
                   “I had forgotten about that” (breaking out in yet another loud giggle)
Grandma -      Sounds like you’re having a party out here”

Grandpa-        “Ethel, do you remember how your dad use to tell our kids stories and 
                    they would be willing to sit there for hours, with eyes wide open, 
                    hanging on every word?” (spoken while he flips back a page or two 
                    within his notebook)

Grandma -      Pops sure could put an interesting spin on a story. He use to get the 
                    kids all wound up – they wouldn’t get to sleep for hours.” 
                        “It sure was hard on them when he passed, Rest his soul.” (as she 
                    reflects back in memory).
                        “But why are you so amused?  In fact, you’re drawing so much 
                     attention to yourself, I just saw Harold peering over the hedges and 
                     suspiciously checking you out with his binoculars.” (as she points 
                     towards the hedges – Audience Stage Right)

Grandpa -       “Nahh – don’t be silly. That is because Harold is jealous that I am  
                     better looking and ended up marrying the Prom Queen of ’56 . . . 
                    Now that was a GREAT year!” (as he stares with deep love and devotion 
                    into Ethel’s eyes)

Grandma -      “Oh Bert” You always knew how to make me blush” (as she leans over 
                   and gently touches his hand)

Grandpa -       “Blush, that’s a great one . . . Blush! Blush! Blush! (as he turns to a new 
                     page and starts writing more notes)
                        “Do you realize that every time you blush, your eyes blink faster?” 

Grandma -      “Heavens to Betsy, you’re not writing that down too?”  (as she tries to  
                    snatch the notebook from Berts hand – but just isn’t quick enough)

Grandpa -       When the kids were over this afternoon, I couldn’t help but notice 
                   something very interesting.  Every time I played with the grandkids, I 
                   found myself remembering my Dad and how he use to play with our 
                   kids.  I was repeating the same old jokes and doing the same old tricks. 
                   And the grandkids just seemed to eat it all up”.

Grandma -      “Is that really lemonade you’re drinking?” (as she picks up his glass and 
                    takes a sniff)

Grandpa -       “Don’t be silly Ethel” (he laughs as he flips back in his notes to a specific 
                        Do you realize that both, my son and I hold our dinner fork upside 
                   Just like my Dad use to do” (pointing to his notes as if he is showing 
                    her what he wrote)
                        “Don’t you find that curious?” (as he ponders his notes with amazement)

Grandma -      I get it – you forgot to take your medication” (as she starts to get up from her 

Grandpa -       I didn’t forget to take my pills” “Don’t you get it?” “Can’t you see 
                    how amazing it all is?”  (as he puts down the notebook and holds her 
                   hand and stares into her eyes)

Grandma -      “Why are you so fascinated all of a sudden about how the men “On 
                     Your Side Of The Family” had strange eating habits” (she asks with a 
                     somewhat look of concern on her face)

Grandpa -       “Ethel, I realized today that there are things about us that our kids 
                    have most likely forgotten”.  And that means our Grandkids and Great 
                    Grandkids will miss out on knowing these little details that make up 
                    the essence of who you and I really are”  (as he flips through his pages 
                   of notes, searching)
                        “For example your daughters, like you, love to walk in the rainWhere 
                    do you think you got that from?”

Grandma -      “My Mama use to take us for walks in the rain when we were growing 
                    up. She said it reminded her of God’s special blessing in the washing 
                    away of our sins”
                        Now, today, it also reminds me of Mama’s special love for us. During 
                    the depression, when I was just four years old,  Papa had been sick in 
                    bed and the car was broken down.  Mama walked 6 miles in the poring 
                    rain to fetch us four children two mason jars of soup from the soup 
                    kitchen in town.” (Momentarily wipes her eyes)
                         I see what you’re getting at . . . I’ve always loved walking in the rain 
                    and I guess it rubbed off on the girls” (with a look of excitement and 
                   understanding over taking her)

Grandpa -       That is exactly what I am talking about”  “It’s not only the special traits 
                   that we have in common with the kids, but the rich memories of the 
                   family that are so important for us to remember.”
“I’ve been writing down all the little traits that we have in common 
with our kids”  “I also included some of the doozies from “Your Side 
Of The Family” like the time your Dad tried to tell everyone that the 
Coronal stole his Chicken recipe

Grandma -      “I had forgotten about that” . . . (she says with a laugh)

Grandpa -   “That is why I am writing this all down” (pointing to his extensive notes)
                        “I want our kids and their kids and all of the generations to follow, to 
                    know exactly who they are and from where they came.  I want them to 
                    understand their Legacy and to keep the tradition going, forever. (as he 
                    closes the book and holds it close to his heart, tightly, while wiping a tear 
                    away from his eye)

Grandma-       “You were always a sensitive and creative thinker Bert” “Just like your 
                    Dad” (she replies with a loving look upon her face)
                        Maybe that’s why our Son has become such a wonderful song writer” 

Grandpa -       Oh Ethel . . . that’s a good one!” (as he opens his book with excitement, 
                   to a new page and starts scribbling) “Our son is Creative - Sensitive – A 
                   Thinker – Talented - Smart – just like his Dad” (he writes with a proud 
                   smile on his face)

Grandma -      “And Modest Too” (as she rises from her chair) “C’mom Bert . . .I’ve got a 
                          Cherry pie in the kitchen and we can get out the old family albums and maybe it will 
                          help us remember some more stories.”  (standing waiting for Bert to join her)
                        (Bert rises from his chair and stands beside Ethel, arm in arm. Both 
                    scanning the audience, as if  looking at their front lawn)
“You are right Bert, we have a lot of fond memories, a lot of Legacy to 
  share and leave behind. We owe it to our children, and their children 
(Grandma turns and heads into the house while  Grandpa turns to follow 
a couple of  feet behind – still writing in his notebook)
Grandpa -       OK, let me see . . .I like Peas and Asparagus . . . I hate Coli Flower \
                    and Brussels Sprouts” . . . (pauses and ponders for a moment) 
                    “Advacado . . . YUCH!”  (on the word Yuck – Bert exits stage left)

Closing Scene;                                                                                                               
As Grandma exits, Grampa closely follows while continuing to write in his 
notebook – On the final word spoken by Grandpa “Yuck” . . .   
Fade To Black . . .
                                 E N D                                                          
                                 February 2008                                       


                                                                Written by  GOD  through  Richard S. Hunter

Stage / Set Design;                                                                                                        
A living room scene in an elderly gentleman’s home  
A card table – 2 folding chairs – a deck of cards
Bob  (Sour old man)                                                                                                       
Pete  (Happy-go-lucky)  
Regular summer time clothes, Bob wears his reading glasses on the edge of his nose
Sound / Lighting;                                                                                              
Opening – Lights fade up – no music
Sound / Scene – No sound effects – Opening scene is inside Bob’s living room
Close – Stage lighting fades to black
Opening Scene;                                                                                  
Bob and Pete get together for a game of cards.  Bob is shuffling the cards and is 
having a hard time.  Pete is just sitting back, relaxed being cool.
Bob     “1,1, 2,2, 3,3, 4,4, 5,5”  (he counts as he deals the cards)
Pete   (smiles as he picks up his cards. He then looks at Bob and sneers. After picking 
up his 5th card he yells loudly) 
Bob     (being startled, drops the deck of cards onto the table) “What was that?”(he 
cries out) 
Pete    “What was what” (as if he didn’t know what Bob was talking about)
Bob     “That word . . .Barrack! Are you speaking in tongues now?” (he replies with 
sarcasm as he gathers up all the cards, including the cards in Pete’s hand)
Pete    “ahhh, you mean Baruch!  It’s an old Hebrew word and I think roughly 
translated it means Blessed . . . As I was truly Blessed with those cards you were 
dealing me” (spoken with humor as he watches his Great Hand being reshuffled)
Bob     “I think God wouldn’t appreciate being used as an Ace-in-your-pocket” 
“1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5 “  (he counts loudly as he starts dealing again)
Pete    (Humming pleasantly as he picks up his cards and arranges them in order)
           (Obviously Bob is getting agitated at Pete’s humming and general good nature)
Bob     “Will you stop that” (he shouts with anger as he stops dealing)
Pete    “Stop what” (he asks with a smile)
Bob     “That  awful  humming . . . a man can’t even count with all the distractions 
around here”  (as he grabs the cards out of Pete’s hand once again and scoops up the 
cards off of the table and starts re-shuffling one more time)
Pete    “Why are you so angry Bob? I know God is in your heart. Haven’t you 
prayed today?” (he asks with a tone of concern and compassion)
Bob   (gives Pete a long cold stare as he starts dealing again) “1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4  
(counting louder with a tone of urgency)         
         (Pete goes to say something but before a word can be uttered, Bob leans over 
         the table and says) “Don’t even think it . . . 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10 and 1 extra 
         for me”
Pete    (looking confused, picks up his hand and starts rearranging the cards)  “See 
that?” ( he asks Bob with a tone of excitement)
Bob     “See what?” (he replies as he is trying to figure out the useless hand he dealt 
Pete    “That, right there”  (as he points to his own right shoulder)
Bob     “You’re crazy” (he barks) “All I see is a desperate hand of cards which are 
going to put me another 25 cents into debt with you”
Pete    “Oh, that's too bad. I thought for sure you would be able to see him” (he 
says while nodding his head towards the right)
Bob     “See who? There’s nobody here but me and you, you crazy old goat” (he 
barks back)
Pete    “It’s my Guardian Angel” (he coos in a soft voice while tapping his right 
shoulder with loving care). 
Bob     “You see . . . that’s what I am talking about. You are very irritating Pete . . . 
You are always so happy” (he complains while still trying to sort out his cards)   
“Even your hair is always combed so neatly. Do you have any idea how much I 
want to just put you in a head lock and fix your hair, once and for all?” (he says 
while mimicking a putting Pete in a head lock and messing up his hair)
Pete    “Bob, your problem is that you are just too serious. After all, you are a God 
Fearing Christian. You don’t have to spend your life being so sour all the time. I 
bet that Girl Scout who came to your door last month is still having nightmares – 
probably be in therapy for years.” (spoken with a tone of concern)
Bob     “You don’t know everything” (he barks at Pete) “I actually got a box of 
those cookies and enjoyed them very much, thank you” (he says with pride)
Pete    “Yeah, the box she dropped while trying to run away” (he giggles)
Bob     (Chuckling while nodding in agreement) “Pete, can I ask you something?”
Pete    “Sure Bob, go ahead, ask me anything” (he assures)
Bob     “Why do you always have that stupid grin on your face? It is like you are 
almost glowing.  Don’t you have a dimmer switch somewhere?”  (he inquires loudly)
Pete    “I do glow, don’t I? And you want to know the secret? It’s really quite 
simple. I opted never to be sour or angry or envious or mean” (as he looks directly 
into Bobs eyes)  “I gave God control of my life years ago. I live every moment of 
every day in Absolute Delight with the path God has chosen for me. That’s why my 
Angel is always with me” (as he taps his right shoulder with pride)
Bob     (at a loss for words barks back) “Yupp, crazy, you’re just plain old crazy. 
Well are you going to play cards or not?”
Pete    (lays down his cards and with a smile says) “Gin”
Bob     (staring at his hand of messed up cards says) “That’s just great!” (he says 
with a defeated tone) “I need a cookie”
Closing Scene;                                                                                                               
As Bob realizes he is defeated, and says “I need a cookie” . . . Fade To Black . . .
                                                        E N D                                                          
                                         March 2008  


                 Written by  GOD  through  Richard S. Hunter

Actors (1)
male   (middle-aged)
regular street clothes                                                                                                               
Set design
Overhead Projection
Opening scene;
Actor enters and after pausing for a moment, starts speaking to the audience
Closing scene;
Actor slowly walks off the stage towards exit
Actorremembering a sad time – long long ago . . .
(enters stage from wings, pauses and looks at the crowd and then continues on to stage center)
With a heavy sigh he says, “I had a son (pause) or a least I think it was a son”.  It was so 
long ago (reflects for a moment) but I remember it as if it were yesterday. I wonder 
how Linda is doing. I hope she found what she was looking for. I hope she found 
You see, we loved each other deeply. Linda touched my heart so perfectly, I have 
yet to find another who can fill the void in my soul. I can still feel the ache. (as he 
clenches his chest tightly)
We planned on getting married once we both graduated High School. I would find 
a job, so we could pay the bills while she went to college to get her nursing 
credentials and once she graduated it would be my turn to finish my schooling 
while she found work at the local hospital. (spoken with pride and maturity)
Her mom had been a widow for almost 5 years and I think she would have 
approved of our plans, that is, if they didn’t fall apart at the last moment. I can’t
 believe I was so stupid (he says while pounding his head with his open hand)
Three months, that’s how close we were to our High School graduation. Everything 
was going along as planned(long pause) I wanted so desperately to show Linda how 
much I loved her. I wasn't like all of the other guys. My touch was soft, sincere and 
loving. It’s OK I reassured her, we were going to be married soon anyways. There was 
no reason to wait. We both loved each other and I knew it was the right thing for us to 
(Looking up at the audience, with tears in his eyes) I was never more wrong (spoken loudly 
as he slumps into a defeated position)
Those days seemed perfect. Then it seemed like time started passing by too 
quickly. I knew something was terribly wrong when I saw her at school sitting on 
the steps, crying. It had been eight weeks since we, (pause) well you know…”Loved 
Each Other” the first time.
When I saw her break down at school I tried to hold her in my arms but she pulled 
away. “What did I do” I pleaded.  She turned to me and with fire in her eyes she 
stared coldly at me and screamed (pause) “You Got Me Pregnant” then she turned 
and ran away. I was stunned, shocked, paralyzed. (spoken with a tone of disbelieve) Our 
perfect world started to crumble.
I ran after her, stopping her in the hallway. I asked her if she was sure. That 
seemed to enrage her even more. Its okay Linda, I reassured her. We’ll figure this 
out together. After all we’re going to be married soon, so everything would be just 
fine. She still had that icy cold look in her eyes as she cried and fought to break my 
hold on her, pounding my chest as if she hated me for what I had done . . . what we 
 had done! (pacing back and forth)
As she broke free from by embrace, she said she had to think and needed to be 
for awhile. She had a confused look about her now, and it worried me. “I’ll call you 
tonight” I suggested.
She barked back, No! Don’t call and don’t speak to my mom. I can’t let her know. It 
would break her heart to see me making the same mistake she made when she 
was my age.
I didn’t understand what she was saying, so all I could think of was yelling I love 
you, as she left the school and headed down the street, trying to get as far away 
from me as possible.
I kept my promise and didn’t call her that night, but when I didn’t see he in school 
the next day I started to worry. She wouldn’t answer her cell phone and at night, 
her mom, being as cheery as usual, would simply say that Linda was out with 
friends.  I didn’t know what to do.
It was over a week before I finally found out where Linda disappeared to.  There she 
was, back at school, in class sitting in the back row looking pale and sickly. When she 
saw me a faint smile came across her face. Between classes we chatted and she told 
me what had happened. What she had done. (tears start building up again)
(with hands clasped together he desperately prays) Oh God, forgive her for what she has 
done (pauses) for what we have done . . .
With a heavy sigh he says with tears in his eyes, “I had a son (pause) or a least I think it was 
a son”. 
Actor lowers his head and slowly walks off the stage towards exit. . . FADE TO BLACK . . .       

                                                                            E N D 
                                                   January 2008                                          

                                 Written by  GOD  through  Richard S. Hunter
Directors Notes                                                                                                                         
This simple script requires no memorization of lines and can be put together with minimal rehearsal. The
Narrator will be on stage, with a headset reading the text from a music stand. They will also be able to watch 
the action and speed up or slow down their delivery, as needed.  This should help with timing.The other 
characters have no lines. Instead, they will follow some basic maneuvers in front of the stage. This skit can 
be used for any sermon about struggling with vs witout the Holy Spirit (i.e. addictions, depression, etc)  
Set Design / Props / Graphic                                                                                                                                                    
1 large rope Heavy duty (20’)  - typical Tug-of-War size                                                                                                                                        
1 large handkerchief                                                                                                                                                                                          
1 Headset                                                                                                                                                                                                      
 1 Overhead graphic
All actors – (Except for Narrator) wearing a white T-Shirt with their character name written on back and front 
in large black letters
 None (although someone playing a solo performance of Stairway to Heaven on guitar would be cool)
Actors        Character Name                                                                                                                                                   
Actor 1            Missionary Work                                                                                                                                                                Actor 2            Language                                                                                                                                                                          Actor 3            Medical                                                                                                                                                                             Actor 4            Financial                                                                                                                                                                           Actor 5            Pilot                                                                                                                                                                                  Actor 6            Prayers                                                                                                                                                                               Actor 7            Holy Spirit                                                                                                                                                                         Actor 8            Narrator
Opening scene 
The narrator speaks;  “Here comes a man; a man known as Missionary 
Actor 1 (Missionary Work) heads up the center aisle towards the stage
Closing scene 
(As the cast head down the aisle towards the rear of the auditorium)
Narrator reads; “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the 
Lord of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6.  Without the Holy Spirit, nothing can be done.
 Script . . .
Narrator reads;
Here comes a man, a man known as Missionary Work
 (Missionary Work walks up the center aisle, struggling with the burden of the heavy 
rope, looped upon his shoulder).
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the 
king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power 
with us than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the 
LORD our God to help us and to fight our battles.” And the people gained 
confidence from what Hezekiah the king of Judah said.” 2 Chron. 32:7, 8    
(Missionary Work, carrying the heavy rope, stops at the foot of the stage and drops his 
burden. He then leans against the pillar on stage left, takes out a handkerchief from his 
pocket, and wipes the sweat from his brow).
Narrator reads;
This is what the LORD says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who 
depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the 
 LORD. He will be like a bush in the wastelands; he will not see prosperity 
when it comes. He will dwell in the parched places of the desert, in a salt 
land where no one lives. But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, 
whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that 
sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its 
leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never 
fails to bear fruit. Jer. 17:5-8:
(Missionary Work prepares himself for the daunting task ahead of him. He un roles the 
rope and stretches it across the top steps (from stage right to stage left) and ties one 
end around the pillar (stage right). He then attaches a sign on the pillar (linear – scroll 
type – facing congregation) that reads “OBSTACLES” – then takes his handkerchief 
and ties it onto the rope, as a mid-line marker)
Narrator reads;
 David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear 
and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the 
God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the LORD will 
hand you over to me, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. Today 
I will give the Carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and 
the beast of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a God in 
Israel. All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear 
that the LORD saves for the battle       is the LORD’S, and he will give all of 
you into our hands.” 1 Sam. 17:45-47:  (pause)  Missionary Work begins, but 
Obstacles are in the way.
(Missionary Work picks up the rope and starts to tug-of-war against the pillar /   
obstacles ).
Narrator reads;
Missionary Work can’t be done without Language skills
(Language runs up center aisle and picks up rope behind Missionary Works and joins 
in the tug-of-war)
Narrator reads;
Missionary Work can’t be done without Language skills and Medical 
(Medical runs up center aisle and picks up rope behind Language and joins in the tug-
Narrator reads;
Missionary Work can’t be done without Language skills, Medical assistance 
and Financial aide
(Financial runs up center aisle and picks up rope behind Medical and joins in the tug-of-
Narrator reads;
Missionary Work can’t be done without Language skills, Medical assistance,
financial aide and brave Pilots
(Pilot runs up center aisle and picks up rope behind Financial and joins in the tug-of-war)
Narrator reads;
Missionary Work can’t be done without Language skills, Medical assistance,
 financial aide, brave Pilots and your Prayers
(Prayer runs up center aisle and picks up rope behind Pilot and joins in the tug-of-war)
Narrator reads;
All of them are struggling with the rope; trying to overcome obsticles.  
(pause) Can the missionary with the help of financial support, medical 
support, pilots and prayer teams win the battle? No! They still need some 
more help; some heavy duty, serious strength kind of help.
(Coming up the aisle is someone who stands tall and confident. He touches shoulders 
of people sitting in aisle seats as he approaches. He is called Holy Spirit. He arrives at 
the struggling Missionary team)
Narrator reads;
The one thing that is needed above all is (short pause) Holy Spirit.
(Holy Spirit walks up to where the rope is tied to the pillar, everyone stops pulling for a 
moment, watching in awe. Holy Spirit simply pulls down the Obstacle sign, unties the 
knot and ties the rope around his own waist. All others shout hallelujah and praise the 
lord (cheering etc). They all hold onto the rope as Holy Spirit leads them down the aisle, 
to the rear of the auditorium (all touching and high fiving people sitting in aisle seats).
Narrator reads;
 (As the victorious team quickly heads down the center aisle, towards the rear of the 
auditorium) For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the 
, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against 
the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Eph. 6:12: (short pause)  
Without the holy spirit, nothing can be accomplished”  Fade to black  . . .
                                                                        E N D 
                                              September 2009  

                          What About Bob
                         Written by  GOD  through  Richard S. Hunter
Set Design / Props / Graphic                                                                                                                                                                         
2 chairs, stage center facing congregation         
  one large (over sized) suitcase  filled with items to make it appear heavy (including one trophy and one plague)                                                  
 one hanky                                                                                                                                                                                                    
(will need qty 2 headsets and 1 microphone off stage)
Overhead graphic optional                                                                                                                    
Actors 1 & 2 - wearing regular street clothes                                                                                                                                                
Actor 3 (the Voice) is off stage with a microphone making announcements through out the play.
 Actor 1   Bob (male)                                                                                                                                                                                  
 Actor 2   Jesus (male)                                                                                                                                                                                
Actor 3   Voice                       
Opening scene                                                                                                                                                                                      
 While Bob walks up center aisle, to stage center, dragging a heavy load behind him, Actor 3 makes the 
following announcement “Shelly Johnson, Calling Shelly Johnson. Please proceed to the gate.”
Closing scene                                                                                                                                                                                             
Actor 1 (Bob) nervously walks off stage, leaving his suitcase behind
----------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                                                              Script
Bob enters the stage from rear auditorium and is dragging a heavy suitcase behind him. 
As he passes people sitting there, he looks around and makes comments about his not 
realizing that there were so many people, like him, in this strange place. He continues to 
struggle with his suitcase, up the stairs, to his chair on stage.

Actor 3
(makes an overhead announcement) Shelly Johnson. Calling Shelly Johnson. Please 
proceed to the gate.

Actor 1;         
Man oh man this thing is heavy (grunting with each step).                               
Finally (he moans as he sits down, steadies the over loaded suitcase beside his chair and 
wipes the  sweat from his brow with his hanky)
I hope I didn’t forget any of them (he ponders while peeking inside the slightly opened 
This isn’t at all like I expected (Looking at his watch and then looking around impatiently)
No matter, I have everything I need right here (as he lovingly caresses the side of his 
Just then, another man enters from the wings and takes the empty seat next to Bob and 
smiles with a nod while sitting down 

Actor 3
(makes an overhead announcement) Paul Akins. Calling Paul Akins. Please proceed to 
the gate.

Actor 2
How ya doin? (He says with a smile)
It’s such a beautiful day.  Did you have a chance to smell those roses as you came in 
the front door? (He asks while pointing to the entranceway)

Actor 3
(makes an overhead announcement) Betty Holiday. Calling Betty Holiday. Please 
proceed to the gate.

Actor 1
Roses, what roses? Al I saw as I entered this place was stair after stair after stair.
You would think that a grand place like this would have an elevator or at least a 
bellman to help with the luggage  (he suggests while pointing to his suitcase)

Actor 3
(makes an overhead announcement) Harvey Walters. Calling Harvey Walters. Please 
proceed to the gate.

Actor 2
Luggage?  Do you know where you are? (he asks while looking down at the large 

Actor 3
(makes an overhead announcement) Nicholas Caring. Calling Nicholas Caring. Please 
proceed to the gate.

Actor 1
Of course I know where I am. I’m not an idiot. That’s why I brought all of this with me.  
(He boasts while pointing towards the suitcase)
I think once the Powers-To-Be see what I have here, they will fast track me to the head 
of the line. And it looks like a pretty long line at that (he says while looking out over the 
I would have never believed it. That gate actually looks like it really is Pearly. And so 
many people lined up. (spoken while squinting and straining to see how far the line really 

Actor 3
(makes an overhead announcement) Peter Edwards. Calling Peter Edwards. Please 
proceed to the gate.

Actor 2
(While still focused on the suitcase inquires) What exactly do you have in there? Didn’t 
you realize that this is a come-as-you-are function?

Actor 3
(makes an overhead announcement) Richard Wilkinson. Calling Richard Wilkinson. 
Please proceed to the gate.

Actor 1
Come-as-you-are? Yea right! (he laughs) These are my accomplishments. My trophy’s.   
(spoken with boastful pride)
Surely I will get credit for all of the good I have done.  Look here (as he reaches in and 
pulls out a large trophy and holds it up proudly displaying it for all to see)
See, I got this one for helping that old man next door when he needed his lawn 
mowed, And this one (as he returns the trophy to the suit case and then pulls out a plaque)
This one reads To Bob, for being a great father and husband. Thanks for being our 
rock. (he reads while he wipes a tear from his eyes)
Their  rock. Can you imagine, me, a rock?  I know I’m going to get a credit or two for 
that one. 
And there is another one in here that I think you’ll find impressive. Now where is it? I 
know it’s in here somewhere.  Hold on just a moment (as he digs, searching inside the 
opening of the suitcase)

Actor 3
(makes an overhead announcement) Cathy Samuels. Calling Cathy Samuels. Please 
proceed to the gate.

Actor 2
Like I said, this is a come-as-you-are function. I don’t think any of that is really going
 to help. (he says while placing a hand on Bobs shoulder)
What you have there is simply a reminder of your human works. And I promise you
 that they have been noticed, but that suitcase is nothing more than a reminder of 
what  makes you feel good, while on earth; a burden. They mean nothing here.  

Actor 3
(makes an overhead announcement) Stephanie Carter. Calling Stephanie Carter. Please 
proceed to the gate.

Actor 1                                                                                                                            
(he says with sarcasm). Look at you coming off like an authority on what  HE wants.  
(spoken while pointing upwards, towards the place where God is sitting)

What makes you think you know who I am, what I have accomplished and what makes 
me feel good here or anywhere? (spoken with a slight tone of anger – as if his pride has 
been hurt)

Actor 3
(makes an overhead announcement) Henry Hanson. Calling Henry Hanson. Please 
proceed to the gate.

Actor 2                                                                                                                         
(while standing up, facing Bob replies) Soon, you will be in judgment, in front of our 
Father, and when you are in His presence, none of that earthly clutter will matter 
 (as he points to the suitcase and waives his hands in a dismissing manner)
Don’t worry, your time will be soon (he calmly says while turning and walking away)

Actor 3
(makes an overhead announcement) Kevin Warlow. Calling Kevin Warlow. Please 
proceed to the gate.

Actor 1
Hold on there friend, before you go (he stands and inquires with a nervous tone). We never really 
introduced ourselves. My name is Bob (he stammers as he nervously holds out his hand) I mean, 
Robert. Robert Jones…
What’s your name? (he asks, not being sure he really wants to hear the answer)

Actor 3
(makes an overhead announcement) Andrew Anderson. Calling Andrew Anderson. 
Please proceed to the gate.

Actor 2                                                                                                                                          
(pauses without turning around. Looks over his shoulder and replies)  I Am  (continues to 
walk off of the stage towards stage left)  

Actor 3                                                                 
(makes an overhead announcement) Robert Jones. Calling Robert Jones. Please 
proceed to the gate.

Actor 1                                                                                                                                                                                                  
(very nervous about hearing his name, stands up and starts to reach fior his 
suitcase, pauses, then walks towards the gate, with a 
very nervous look upon his face, leaving the suitcase behind)  . . . (Fade to Black)

                                            E N D 
                                                   September 2009                                                                


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