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              Where Eagles Fly       Remember Me


   Where Eagles Fly    Uncensored

 Biography Summary
  In The Words of John A. Campbell III (Red)

Over the years, friends and relatives have asked me why I have not written a book about my WWII experiences.  My answer has been that there are several books already published in which the writer has said some very flattering things about me (not always accurate). So why should I ruin the image already established by telling the truth? But at the request of my son, daughters, their spouses and of course my grand sons, I have set out to tell my story, as I remember it. My son-in-law, Richard offered to author my story, in a novel format.  He decided to put a “Fluffy, sort of Sexy” spin on things, while trying to maintain historical accuracy. I would say that approximately 95% of this story is factual while the other 5% is creative filler. Thanks to Richards ability to interview and document, Where Eagles Fly was born…

It seems that the Air Force has become embedded not only in my life, but in the life’s of my children and grandchildren as well.  My son, John Campbell IV, served in the USAF. It was either that or the Army and since we were  in the middle of the whole Viet Nam thing at the time, I was able to pull some strings to insure that his military time was served safely, in the Air Force. He ended up getting his credentials as an Electrician during his service and today, he owns a successful electrical business in Oregon. John fathered two daughters, Erica and Jodi and a son named Travis. He also adopted a Korean child named Sung Joon (Sunny). Erica and Jodi live in Oregon with their familys and Travis now lives in San Diego with his wife and son.

Both of my daughters went on to become nurses. My eldest daughter, Tina, married a free spirited soul named Michael, who also did a tour with the USAF. They gave me a grandson named Tyson who now lives in Texas with kids of his own. Tina and Michael are retired and living in San Miguel de Allende in Central Mexico. My other daughter Kerry, is now married to Richard, a Canadian from Montreal, who did his time with the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF). Richard and I both enjoy donning our kilts, whenever the opportunity arises.  Kerry gave me two grandsons named Nicholas and Justin.  Justin, the oldest, is in the USAF and has decided to go career and is living in Idaho with his wife and kids.  Nicholas served in the USAF for two tours and is now living in Oklahoma with his wife and son.

Once my father retired after twenty two years of naval service, we dropped anchor in San Diego, California. After WWII, I also settled down in San Diego, raising my own family. When Richard’s job relocated him and Kerry to Tucson, Arizona, in 1999, my wife Christine and I eventually decided to join them. 

In October of 2006, the Eagle Squadron held its final reunion in San Diego, California. My son, both daughters and all of the spouses, along with a grandson, and a great grandson, joined us and shared this somber, chapter-closing experience. Queen Elizabeth actually sent a messenger to read a letter from the Crown, thanking the few of us that were left, for our service during WWII with the RAF. 
The sad part of the whole story is that to this day, I have not received any formal recognition by the United States government for my part in the war. My Son in Law Richard, has taken the cause under his belt, and has written many letters on my behalf. They were sent to the Clinton, Obama and McCain Presidential Campaigns, thinking that being an election year, one of them would see the humanitarian injustice, and maybe use it as a political tool. That idea didn’t work.  Even Oprah was on his mailing list. McCain was the only camp to reply.“Sorry, since he didn’t serve with the US Military, there was nothing that could be done,” was their official response. Wrong answer! Richard also arranged for a radio interview on a local station, hosted by Fred Imus, Dons brother. Fred couldn’t believe that I received absolutely nothing for my time and service.

Two things happened during all of this publicity. One was being interviewed by Oliver North for a FOX Network show he was putting together on Americans who served in the RAF. This brought my story to the entire nation. A News Correspondent, in Washington D.C. saw the show, heard my story and immediately contacted me and Richard. She has been writing letters on my behalf ever since, putting them on the desks of Senators, Congressmen and other D.C. political figures. Who knows, maybe one day, it will land upon compassionate ears. The other great thing to come out of the publicity is this book. The most important thing to me is to know that my kids and their kids and all of the generations to follow, know exactly who I am and from where I came...This is my story...Where Eagles Fly is my Legacy;  
Remember Me... 

            Now Available - - - Where Eagles Fly...Uncensored 
 Same story, same chain of events, updated ending...this second release now includes much more graphic detail - details that were too horrible to recall.
 Will Work 4 Food 

    is based on actual people, their real life experiences 
and the bumps in the road that brought them to   
where they are today... 

    Have you ever stopped at a red light and seen someone standing there, begging for money?
      Have you tried to avoid direct eye contact, just to try and prevent an awkward moment?
       Have you ever refused to donate a dollar or two, for fear of how they might spend it?
Have you ever asked yourself why they are living on our streets; was it their choice or fate?
If you answered “yes” to any one of these simple questions, then it is time for you to be enlightened, to have your eyes opened. Will Work 4 Food exposes the ugliness of their realities.
Join the author as he explores deeply into the life of those we try to ignore. Experience for yourself what it must feel like to loose everything you own; to be stripped down to nothing; where only the will to survive keeps you going, day after day, month after month, year after year.
Some of the poor decisions that were made obviously led to their own destruction, but then there are those, the people like you and me, who one moment had the world at their feet; wanted for nothing, only to have it all come crashing down.
It is time to make eye contact; listen and learn. Understand how a simple gesture, like a gift could make all the difference.
Will Work 4 Food  is their story. Pray for them!

 is the true to life story of a young boy’s journey, directly into hell. There were no other options available to him. He suffered at the abusive hands of others so it wasn’t surprising to see how his survival skills evolved.  Not even 10-years-old yet and this skinny little Puerto Rican kid was already a force to be reckoned with. Respect his space or fall victim to his wrath. The projects of Brooklyn was his home−the streets his teacher.
Welcome to the story that will expose the devils hold on a young boy and how tight his grip can be. It can be broken: It must be broken. Allow Reverend Louis Lugo to walk you through the paths that led him to where he is today. You will stand at his crossroads, thinking he should turn right only to see him go left. He will pay dearly for his wrong decisions. Will he ever learn right from wrong?

Are you afraid? You should be!
 Crossroads...the Louis Lugo Story



Hunter Ink's website will be moved to this BLOG as of April 1st 2012. Please continue to read and enjoy these postings.

If you are interested in purchasing any of my books, you can go any of these following links;

Available at Barnes & Noble

for Crossroads (click here)

for Will Work 4 Food (click here)

for Where Eagles Fly...Remember Me (click here)

for Where Eagles Fly...Uncensored (click here)

Available at (Paperback and Kindle)

for Crossroads (click here)

for Will Work 4 Food (click here)

for Where Eagles Fly...Remember Me (click here)

Where Eagles Fly...Uncensored (click here)

Also available in all electronic formats
(be sure to use entire title when using search engine at online book stores)

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